• 2022-06-07 问题

    The students attend the ___________ (apprentice) after school and during summer programs.

    The students attend the ___________ (apprentice) after school and during summer programs.

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    The ____________ opened the meeting by greeting the visitors from China. A: participant B: chairwoman C: secretary D: apprentice

    The ____________ opened the meeting by greeting the visitors from China. A: participant B: chairwoman C: secretary D: apprentice

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Mark is showing Kevin, an apprentice, around the factory that manufactures semi-trailers Listen and find out who Kevin will be working with.

    Mark is showing Kevin, an apprentice, around the factory that manufactures semi-trailers Listen and find out who Kevin will be working with.

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    [color=#434343]Only then will you ______ that most professionals are forced to leave Africa.[/color] A: appreciate B: appraise C: apprentice D: appropriate

    [color=#434343]Only then will you ______ that most professionals are forced to leave Africa.[/color] A: appreciate B: appraise C: apprentice D: appropriate

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    If you want to survive unemployment and prepare yourself for a new job, you could pick up some language skills, learn more computer skills or consider becoming an apprentice in a new field.

    If you want to survive unemployment and prepare yourself for a new job, you could pick up some language skills, learn more computer skills or consider becoming an apprentice in a new field.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    According to the passage, what did the Puritans expect from married women() A: They should adopt needy children. B: They should assist in their husbands'trade or business. C: They should work only within their own homes. D: They should be apprentice

    According to the passage, what did the Puritans expect from married women() A: They should adopt needy children. B: They should assist in their husbands'trade or business. C: They should work only within their own homes. D: They should be apprentice

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    About<br/>Goubuli steamed buns, which of the following statement is<br/>incorrect?____() A: Goubuli steamed buns were first sold in Beijing about 150yeras ago. B: f Gouzi (Dog) was a local young man worked as an apprentice in a shop<br/>selling baozi. C: Goubulimeans<br/>“Dog pays no attention”. D: Now Goubuli is a time-honored brand name in Tianjin.

    About<br/>Goubuli steamed buns, which of the following statement is<br/>incorrect?____() A: Goubuli steamed buns were first sold in Beijing about 150yeras ago. B: f Gouzi (Dog) was a local young man worked as an apprentice in a shop<br/>selling baozi. C: Goubulimeans<br/>“Dog pays no attention”. D: Now Goubuli is a time-honored brand name in Tianjin.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    A teenager soldier in the First World War braved enemy fire to rescue his horse from a lonely death on the battlefield. The selfless __6__earned a Military Medal for George Turner, the young man in question, but his heroics were known to few__7__his family. Now his story is being shared as the imminent release of Steven Spielberg’s War Horse adaptation throws light__8__the real-life stories behind the fiction. The Hollywood blockbuster is based on Michael Morpurgo’s_9__book about a country boy named Albert who follows his__10__horse, Joey, to war. Like Albert, George Turner was just 16 when he joined the army in 1914. The apprentice carpenter from Hereford knew__11__about caring for horses but was__12__a job as a driver transporting ammunition and__13___by horse with the 56th (London) Division Royal Artillery. Armed with a copy of the Blue Cross Driver and Gunners Handbook, he taught himself to look after his charges and developed a(n)__14__with his horse, Dolly. Turner__15__the Battle of the Somme but not all of his horses__16__to the end of the war. As his division crosses a field, a German observation balloon picked up the glint of sunlight on the horse brasses, alerting the enemies__17__their presence. The convoy came under heavy shelling and one of the horses suffered severe injuries. Turner took the ammunition from the injured animal,__18__it on to his own back and led the horse to a field out of the__19__of the enemy. He continued on to the front line to deliver the supplies,__20__he asked an officer to accompany him back to the field to put the badly wounded horse out of its misery. The officer made it half way across the field__21__was forced to turn back as shells rained down. But Turner pushed on, risking his own life to reach the injured horse and__22__it back to the trenches, where the officer_23__ended its suffering. Turner’s heroics were witnessed by a French soldier, who reported it to Turner’s__24__officer. The teenager was rewarded with the Military Medal for bravery in battle. His granddaughter, Ruth Turner, said:” This act of courage shows how deep the bond was__25__my grandfather and his horses. Very few survived the shelling that day but, despite great danger to himself, he refused to leave his horse to die a painful, lonely death.”

    A teenager soldier in the First World War braved enemy fire to rescue his horse from a lonely death on the battlefield. The selfless __6__earned a Military Medal for George Turner, the young man in question, but his heroics were known to few__7__his family. Now his story is being shared as the imminent release of Steven Spielberg’s War Horse adaptation throws light__8__the real-life stories behind the fiction. The Hollywood blockbuster is based on Michael Morpurgo’s_9__book about a country boy named Albert who follows his__10__horse, Joey, to war. Like Albert, George Turner was just 16 when he joined the army in 1914. The apprentice carpenter from Hereford knew__11__about caring for horses but was__12__a job as a driver transporting ammunition and__13___by horse with the 56th (London) Division Royal Artillery. Armed with a copy of the Blue Cross Driver and Gunners Handbook, he taught himself to look after his charges and developed a(n)__14__with his horse, Dolly. Turner__15__the Battle of the Somme but not all of his horses__16__to the end of the war. As his division crosses a field, a German observation balloon picked up the glint of sunlight on the horse brasses, alerting the enemies__17__their presence. The convoy came under heavy shelling and one of the horses suffered severe injuries. Turner took the ammunition from the injured animal,__18__it on to his own back and led the horse to a field out of the__19__of the enemy. He continued on to the front line to deliver the supplies,__20__he asked an officer to accompany him back to the field to put the badly wounded horse out of its misery. The officer made it half way across the field__21__was forced to turn back as shells rained down. But Turner pushed on, risking his own life to reach the injured horse and__22__it back to the trenches, where the officer_23__ended its suffering. Turner’s heroics were witnessed by a French soldier, who reported it to Turner’s__24__officer. The teenager was rewarded with the Military Medal for bravery in battle. His granddaughter, Ruth Turner, said:” This act of courage shows how deep the bond was__25__my grandfather and his horses. Very few survived the shelling that day but, despite great danger to himself, he refused to leave his horse to die a painful, lonely death.”

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    A teenager soldier in the First World War braved enemy fire to rescue his horse from a lonely death on the battlefield. The selfless __6__earned a Military Medal for George Turner, the young man in question, but his heroics were known to few__7__his family. Now his story is being shared as the imminent release of Steven Spielberg’s War Horse adaptation throws light__8__the real-life stories behind the fiction. The Hollywood blockbuster is based on Michael Morpurgo’s_9__book about a country boy named Albert who follows his__10__horse, Joey, to war. Like Albert, George Turner was just 16 when he joined the army in 1914. The apprentice carpenter from Hereford knew__11__about caring for horses but was__12__a job as a driver transporting ammunition and__13___by horse with the 56 th (London) Division Royal Artillery. Armed with a copy of the Blue Cross Driver and Gunners Handbook , he taught himself to look after his charges and developed a(n)__14__with his horse, Dolly. Turner__15__the Battle of the Somme but not all of his horses__16__to the end of the war. As his division crosses a field, a German observation balloon picked up the glint of sunlight on the horse brasses, alerting the enemies__17__their presence. The convoy came under heavy shelling and one of the horses suffered severe injuries. Turner took the ammunition from the injured animal,__18__it on to his own back and led the horse to a field out of the__19__of the enemy. He continued on to the front line to deliver the supplies,__20__he asked an officer to accompany him back to the field to put the badly wounded horse out of its misery. The officer made it half way across the field__21__was forced to turn back as shells rained down. But Turner pushed on, risking his own life to reach the injured horse and__22__it back to the trenches, where the officer_23__ended its suffering. Turner’s heroics were witnessed by a French soldier, who reported it to Turner’s__24__officer. The teenager was rewarded with the Military Medal for bravery in battle. His granddaughter, Ruth Turner, said:” This act of courage shows how deep the bond was__25__my grandfather and his horses. Very few survived the shelling that day but, despite great danger to himself, he refused to leave his horse to die a painful, lonely death.”

    A teenager soldier in the First World War braved enemy fire to rescue his horse from a lonely death on the battlefield. The selfless __6__earned a Military Medal for George Turner, the young man in question, but his heroics were known to few__7__his family. Now his story is being shared as the imminent release of Steven Spielberg’s War Horse adaptation throws light__8__the real-life stories behind the fiction. The Hollywood blockbuster is based on Michael Morpurgo’s_9__book about a country boy named Albert who follows his__10__horse, Joey, to war. Like Albert, George Turner was just 16 when he joined the army in 1914. The apprentice carpenter from Hereford knew__11__about caring for horses but was__12__a job as a driver transporting ammunition and__13___by horse with the 56 th (London) Division Royal Artillery. Armed with a copy of the Blue Cross Driver and Gunners Handbook , he taught himself to look after his charges and developed a(n)__14__with his horse, Dolly. Turner__15__the Battle of the Somme but not all of his horses__16__to the end of the war. As his division crosses a field, a German observation balloon picked up the glint of sunlight on the horse brasses, alerting the enemies__17__their presence. The convoy came under heavy shelling and one of the horses suffered severe injuries. Turner took the ammunition from the injured animal,__18__it on to his own back and led the horse to a field out of the__19__of the enemy. He continued on to the front line to deliver the supplies,__20__he asked an officer to accompany him back to the field to put the badly wounded horse out of its misery. The officer made it half way across the field__21__was forced to turn back as shells rained down. But Turner pushed on, risking his own life to reach the injured horse and__22__it back to the trenches, where the officer_23__ended its suffering. Turner’s heroics were witnessed by a French soldier, who reported it to Turner’s__24__officer. The teenager was rewarded with the Military Medal for bravery in battle. His granddaughter, Ruth Turner, said:” This act of courage shows how deep the bond was__25__my grandfather and his horses. Very few survived the shelling that day but, despite great danger to himself, he refused to leave his horse to die a painful, lonely death.”

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    PASSGE TWO(1) Yousuf Karsh, the Canadian portrait artist who photographed many of the most influential figures of the 20th century, died in a Boston hospital on July 13, 2002, after complications following surgery. He was 93.(2) Working from a studio in Ottawa, Karsh produced famous portraits of such subjects as Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro, Ernest Hemingway and Albert Einstein. Actually he has become almost as famous as his legendary subjects. In the latest edition of Who’s Who, which listed the most notable people of the last century, Karsh was the only Canadian of the 100 famous people listed―51 of whom Karsh had photographed.(3) Karsh was praised as a master portraitist, often working in black and white, influenced by great painters of the past. He was famous for talking to his subjects as he was getting the shot’s composition just right, asking them questions and putting them at ease. He confesses that he continues to feel more challenged when "portraying true greatness adequately with my camera." In preparation, he reads as much as he can about the person before the sitting, but avoids having a preconceived idea of how he would photograph the subject. Rather he seeks, as he wrote in Karsh Portfolio in 1967, to capture the "essential element which has made them great," explaining, "All I know is that within every man and woman a secret is hidden, and as a photographer it is my task to reveal it if I can. In that fleeting interval of opportunity the photographer must act or lose his prize."(4) Yousuf Karsh was born in Armenia in 1908 and grew up under the horrors of the Armenian massacres. His photographer uncle, George Nakash, brought him to Canada in 1924 and sent him to Boston in 1928 to apprentice with John Garo, an outstanding photographer. He not only taught Karsh the technical processes used by photographic artists of the period but also prepared him to think for himself and evolve his own distinctive interpretations.(5) Four years later, he set up his studio in Ottawa. In December of 1941, his memorable portrait of a glowering, defiant Winston Churchill, which symbolized Britain’s indomitable wartime courage, brought Karsh into international prominence. Canada’s Prime Minister Mackenzie King arranged for Karsh to photograph Churchill following Churchill’s speech in the House of Commons. Not forewarned, Churchill lit up a cigar and growled, "Why was I not told of this?" but consented to a brief session. Karsh asked him to remove the cigar and, when he didn’t, stepped forward and gently removed it with the comment, "Forgive me, Sir." Churchill glowered as the shot was taken, then permitted Karsh to take still another, jokingly commenting, "You can even make a roaring lion stand still to be photographed." The Churchill portrait has since appeared in publications and on commemorative stamps all over the world.(6) Karsh traveled to London in 1943 with his portable studio―an 8×10 view camera and many studio lamps to photograph such notables as George Bernard Shaw, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the royal family. All these portraits illustrate Karsh’s ability to capture the essence of his sitter.26. According to the passage, Yousuf Karsh is a/an ( ). A: American B: Canadian C: British D: Armenian

    PASSGE TWO(1) Yousuf Karsh, the Canadian portrait artist who photographed many of the most influential figures of the 20th century, died in a Boston hospital on July 13, 2002, after complications following surgery. He was 93.(2) Working from a studio in Ottawa, Karsh produced famous portraits of such subjects as Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro, Ernest Hemingway and Albert Einstein. Actually he has become almost as famous as his legendary subjects. In the latest edition of Who’s Who, which listed the most notable people of the last century, Karsh was the only Canadian of the 100 famous people listed―51 of whom Karsh had photographed.(3) Karsh was praised as a master portraitist, often working in black and white, influenced by great painters of the past. He was famous for talking to his subjects as he was getting the shot’s composition just right, asking them questions and putting them at ease. He confesses that he continues to feel more challenged when "portraying true greatness adequately with my camera." In preparation, he reads as much as he can about the person before the sitting, but avoids having a preconceived idea of how he would photograph the subject. Rather he seeks, as he wrote in Karsh Portfolio in 1967, to capture the "essential element which has made them great," explaining, "All I know is that within every man and woman a secret is hidden, and as a photographer it is my task to reveal it if I can. In that fleeting interval of opportunity the photographer must act or lose his prize."(4) Yousuf Karsh was born in Armenia in 1908 and grew up under the horrors of the Armenian massacres. His photographer uncle, George Nakash, brought him to Canada in 1924 and sent him to Boston in 1928 to apprentice with John Garo, an outstanding photographer. He not only taught Karsh the technical processes used by photographic artists of the period but also prepared him to think for himself and evolve his own distinctive interpretations.(5) Four years later, he set up his studio in Ottawa. In December of 1941, his memorable portrait of a glowering, defiant Winston Churchill, which symbolized Britain’s indomitable wartime courage, brought Karsh into international prominence. Canada’s Prime Minister Mackenzie King arranged for Karsh to photograph Churchill following Churchill’s speech in the House of Commons. Not forewarned, Churchill lit up a cigar and growled, "Why was I not told of this?" but consented to a brief session. Karsh asked him to remove the cigar and, when he didn’t, stepped forward and gently removed it with the comment, "Forgive me, Sir." Churchill glowered as the shot was taken, then permitted Karsh to take still another, jokingly commenting, "You can even make a roaring lion stand still to be photographed." The Churchill portrait has since appeared in publications and on commemorative stamps all over the world.(6) Karsh traveled to London in 1943 with his portable studio―an 8×10 view camera and many studio lamps to photograph such notables as George Bernard Shaw, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the royal family. All these portraits illustrate Karsh’s ability to capture the essence of his sitter.26. According to the passage, Yousuf Karsh is a/an ( ). A: American B: Canadian C: British D: Armenian

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