• 2022-05-29
    A: It's all right.
    B: That's all right.
  • A,B


    • 0

      给下面句子选择正确的译文:那是对的。 A: That's right. B: That's all right.

    • 1

      A: This toothache is killing me.B: If I am right, this is the third time you’ve had it this month.A: You are right. (). A: It’s all right. B: It’ll be gone. C: I have no method. D: I’m fed up with it.

    • 2

      All right. Let's try Contradictory Premises.

    • 3

      毕竟;终究 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请为以下词组选择适合的英文表达。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: all right B: in all C: after all

    • 4

      5. That’s all right. I will ______6_____ if you ______7_____.