• 2022-05-31
    Traditional marketing is difficult to (3) _________, while Internet marketing can be performed by anyone with rudimentary marketing skills.
  • A


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      Internet marketing, also _______ online marketing or e-marketing, is referred to as the marketing of products or services over the Internet.

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      The traditional concepts of "marketing mix" and "4P" may not be sufficient to describe modern marketing solutions. ( ) is to match and harmonize marketing activities to maximize their respective and integrated effects. A: Mass customization B: Global marketing C: Relationship marketing D: Integrated marketing

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      Market targeting can’t be carried out at ( )level. A: Mass Marketing B: Segmented Marketing C: Macro Marketing D: Micro Marketing

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      Precision marketing is actually making full use of various ______to push the marketing information to more accurate users, so as to save the marketing cost and maximize the marketing effect. A: traditional media B: the new media

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      In this new century, the marketing landscape is already changed, and all traditional marketing approaches are not applicable any more.