• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: Which minority is regared as the “model minority” in America?
  • Asian American


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      中国大学MOOC: _____________ are the largest ethnic minority in the United States.

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      China’s largest ethnic minority is _________, and the most widely distributed ethnic minority is_____. A: Zhuang Ethnic Minority and Hui Ethnic Minority B: Hui Ethnic Minority and Manchu Ethnic Minority C: Zhuang Ethnic Minority and Tibetan Ethnic Minority D: Hui Ethnic Minority and and Tibetan Ethnic Minority

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      Which of the following are the reasons for the higher arrest rates among minority groups? ( ) Which of the following are the reasons for the higher arrest rates among minority groups? ( )

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      中国大学MOOC: _____ most people use the train, a minority walk or cycle.

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