• 2022-05-31
    Which ethnic minority in China likes to sing in antiphonal style while drinking?
    A: Yugur Minority
    B: Zhuang Minority
    C: Tibetan Minority
    D: Miao Minority
  • B


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      The Miao ethnic minority people mainly make a living by fishing and they used to make clothes with fish-skin. ( )

    • 1

      are the largest ethnic minority in the United States.

    • 2

      Dai minority is reputed as the “Ethnic Group of ________”.

    • 3

      Which minority is regarded as the “model minority” in America? A: White American B: Latino C: Asian American D: African American

    • 4

      Which minority is regared as the “model minority” in America? A: White American B: African American C: Latino D: Asian American