• 2022-05-29
    What are the two patterns of organizing a cause and effect essay?
    A: Multiple causes→one effect
    B: One cause→multiple effects
    C: Multiple causes→multiple effects
    D: All of them
  • A,B


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      A cause and effect essay is all about why and what. That is, _________________ (cause)and ____________________( effect ).

    • 1

      The principle of comparative advantage is derived from a highly simplistic two good/two country model. A: One good/one country model B: two good/two country model C: multiple good/multiple model D: fixed good/fixed model

    • 2

      One’s identity actually consists of multiple identities.

    • 3

      What are the proper ways of writing a cause-and-effect essay? A: It is necessary to formulating a thesis statement. B: Listing is one of the methods of organizing possibles causes and effects. C: It is proper to use transitional words showing causes where necessary. D: Transitional words indicating effects can be used in the essay.

    • 4

      In the essay checklist of cause and effect, what should be checked?