• 2022-05-29
    中国大学MOOC: What are the two patterns of organizing a cause and effect essay?
  • Multiple causes→one effect One cause→multiple effects


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      What are the two main patterns of organization often used in developing a comparison and contrast paragraph (essay)?

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      The following organizational patterns are often used in an argumentative essay EXCEPT _________. A: problem and solution B: comparison and contrast C: chronological order D: cause and effect

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      According to Listening skills, cause and effect is a common method of organizing ideas. Understnading cause and effect involves understanding (1)_____ things happen (cause) and 2) _______ happens as a ______3) (effect).

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      What is cause and what is effect? A cause is what ______ something happen; an effect is what happens as result of a ______.

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      What is the writing style of the passage? A: Example essays B: Cause and effect C: Comparison and contrast D: Process Essay