• 2022-05-30
    They had to ______ the play because of the actor's illness.
    A: put off
    B: put up
    C: put down
    D: put in
  • A


    • 0

      She is leaving her husband because she cannot _____ his bad temper. A: put up B: put off C: put out D: put up with

    • 1

      The play "Hamlet" ______ will be ______ Sunday. A: put away B: put off C: put D: put on on

    • 2

      We were so busy that we had to () going on holiday for a month. A: put away B: put down C: put off D: put out

    • 3

      As far as I know, the sports meeting _______until next week because of the bad weather. A: put down B: put away C: put off D: put back

    • 4

      When they had finished reading, the children were told to all the picture books they had taken out. A: put up B: put off C: put away D: put out