• 2021-04-14
    When will an argument be convincing?
  • The audience shares the warrant, and the link between the claim and support is made.


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      A spoken argument is better when it is spoken more loudly.

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      When writing an argument, you cannot find a source that supports your argument, so you made up one, . This is NOT plagiarism.

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      When will an argument be convincing? A: The audience shares the warrant, and the link between the claim and support is made. B: The audience supplies an opposing warrant, and the link between the claim and support is not made. C: The audience questions and disagrees with the assumptions, or unstated reasons. D: The author and audience hold different cultural values or different social norms.

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      An argument cannot ever be valid (in the technical sense used in this course) when

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      When you want to add clarity to your argument, you can ____________.