• 2021-04-14
    He left for Qingdao by _______.
  • ship


    • 0

      Part IV.Vocabulary and Structure.(1*10=10%)Directions: Complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the four choices.1.By no means _________ alone. A: should be left he B: should left be he C: should left he be D: should he be left

    • 1

      “____ he have left yesterday?” Yes, he ____<br/>yesterday.” No, he ____ yesterday.” A: Must; must have left; can’t have left B: Can; can have<br/>left; can’t have left C: Can; must have left; can’t have left D: May; must<br/>have left; shouldn’t have left

    • 2

      When did he ______? He left immediately. A: live B: left C: leaves D: leave

    • 3

      ___, he left the room.

    • 4

      … and he left me ___________________________