• 2021-04-14
    The setting of the story is in India and the time of the story is during the First World War.

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      The first three chapters of Genesis belong to a genre known as _____. (Lec.13, 1’10’’)? The story of universal history|The story of the origins of the World|The story of the origins of the nation of Israel|The story of origins

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      The soldier died during ____ World War I. A: the B: the first C: D: a

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      On September the first ,1939, Hitler launched war against Poland which marks the beginning of the Second World War.

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      What made the American film industry develop during the First World<br/>War?

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      The Tale of Two Cities is about a story happened in time of ______. A: Napoleon War B: British Civil War C: WW Ⅱ D: French Revolution