• 2021-04-14
    The action takes place shortly after the First World War. The story opens in the Caribbean on a (an) ________ and continues on a mysterious Caribbean island.
  • Brazil-bound yacht


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      ______ was one of the first of the nontraditional forms to develop immediately after World War II.

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      This place has been _______________ after the Second World War. A: refilled B: reunion C: reconstructed D: rearranged

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      The slightest mention of the decade after the First World War brings nostalgic recollections to both the middle-aged and the young.

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      In the first two decades after the Second World War, the US Government adopted a policy of Cold War and “Containment” in its relationship with the Soviet Union.( )

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      After the outbreak of the First World War, Australia followed Britain's lead and declared war on ________. A: Japan B: Turkey C: Italy D: Germany