• 2021-04-14
  • encouragement


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      What is the main purpose of the UN A: To maintain local peace. B: To maintain world peace. C: To encourage business. D: To encourage international trade.

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      The relative prosperity of the tourists may______. A: encourage the development of industry B: arouse resentment C: encourage natives to work hard D: control the crime

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      Don’t bad habits in a child.A. encourage B. courage C. discourage D. non-courage A: encourage B: courage C: discourage D: non-courage

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      Which THREE of the following would be features of a transfer pricing system that enhances the overall profitability of an enterprise? A: Should encourage goal-congruent decision making B: Should encourage output at an organisation-wide profit-maximising level C: Should encourage divisions to act in their own self interes D: Should encourage divisions to make entirely autonomous decisions E: Should enable the realistic measurement of divisional profit

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      Advances in technology will encourage people to shop online.