• 2021-04-14
    She could not desert Tara; she belonged to the red acres far more than they could ever belong to her. 这句话最恰当的译文是______

  • 她不能放弃塔拉; 这块红土地是属于她的, 而她更是永远属于这块红土地。


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      19. A: She could download as many pictures as she liked. B: She could call up her family whenever she liked. C: She could locate her friends wherever they were. D: She could update her family any time she liked.

    • 1

      With Facebook, she could stay ____ with her family no matter how far away they were.

    • 2

      If she could learn to ___________ her ideas more eloquently, she’d be more convincing. A: express B: engage C: influence

    • 3

      Passage 2Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.Question 19 A: She could update her family any time she liked. B: She could call up her family whenever she liked C: She could locate her friends wherever they were. D: She could download as many pictures as she liked.

    • 4

      She wondered if she could have the opportunity to spend ____________here so that she could learn more about the city.