• 2022-06-03
    Chicago is the second______city in the United States.
    A: A) larger
    B: B) the largest
    C: C) large
    D: D) largest
  • D


    • 0

      _______ is the second largest city in the US. A: Chicago B: Los Angeles C: Washington D. C. D: San Francisco

    • 1

      Beijing is one of the ______ in the world. A: [A] large city B: [B] largest cities C: [C] largest city

    • 2

      In the United States, the largest city along the Pacific coast is ___________. A: Los Angeles B: San Francisco C: Seattle D: Portland

    • 3

      The United States is _________. A: the most popular country in the world B: the second most populous country in the world C: the third largest country in area in the world D: the fourth largest country in area in the world

    • 4

      are the largest ethnic minority in the United States.