• 2022-05-31
    According to the text, why are test flights most dangerous()
    A: The plane may explode in the air.
    B: The pilot may lose control of the plane.
    C: The engines may be damaged.
    D: Too much air may get into the plane.
  • B


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      智慧职教: The plane may prepare some movies and music for the passengers during the flight.

    • 1

      The first thing George did at the training school was () A: to take an experienced pilot in a plane B: to be taken up into the air in a plane by an officer C: to fly a commercial plane D: to talk about his ideas

    • 2

      If you took a plane to a place, you went there ________. A: on plane B: through plane C: by air D: in sky

    • 3

      People listen to music on the following three planes: (1)the _____________ plane, (2) the ___________plane, (3) the___________ _____________ plane.

    • 4

      The contour lines on the plane are the lines parallel to the H-plane in the plane.