• 2022-06-03
    客户来访,想找总工程师格林先生。作为格林先生的同事你可以说( )
    A: Nice to see you.
    B: Are you Mr.Green’s friend
    C: Nice to see you, sir. Mr. Green is at a meeting, please take a seat and I’ll inform him.
  • C


    • 0

      1 Nice to _____you.[br][/br] 2 It's ______of you to help me. 3 I'm Marry Black. Please call me ______ 4 .....______are you today? ....Not bad. 5 It's nice to see you again. It is a small ____ 6 How do you do? This is my business card. How do you do. This is _____.

    • 1

      A: Well, I have to get back to the office now. It's been really nice talking to you. B: ______ See you. A: Glad to meet you. B: Nice talking to you. C: I'll be right back. D: You shouldn't leav

    • 2

      I’m sorry I can’t see you immediately; but if you’d like to take a seat, I’ll be with you _ .

    • 3

      —Are you Jim Green A: Nice to meet you. B: My name is Black. C: No, I'm not.

    • 4

      —It's nice meeting you.—_________________. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice meeting you too. C: So do I. D: That's very kind of you.