• 2022-06-03
    An extended example is an example that concisely clarifies the point that you are making.
  • 内容

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      What are the transitions mentioned in the video that are coherent? A: for example B: for instance C: a case in point is D: another example is

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      ____means to use a single extended example to support the main idea from the topic sentence.

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      An example of an operation that does not add value is making a wedding cake.( )

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      Imagine this: Your father has been stricken with serious heart disease. At the hospital, you learn he has a chance to survive--- if he can receive a heart transplant. But there are no heart donors available. Your father is one of the 1.5 million Chinese each year who need an organ transplant but cannot get one because of a shortage of donors. What example is used here in this short passage? A: A brief example B: An extended example C: A hypothetical example D: none of the above

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      Medical students in extended contact with junior doctors learn attitudes by example, from better or worse.Correct form: ____________________Definition: __________________________________