• 2022-06-03
    Clarity in writing the results section could be achieved by the following except _______
    A: comparative structures
    B: transition words
    C: effective adjectives
    D: parallel structures
  • C


    • 0

      ​In academic writing __________ are often used.‏​‏​‏ A: contracted structures B: colloquial words and expressions C: single verbs D: verbal phrases

    • 1

      Using parallel structures can make a coherent paragraph.

    • 2

      Using parallel structures can help make a paragraph coherent.

    • 3

      two basic structures for writing essays are block style and()?

    • 4

      6 The three sales structures (geographic-based, product-based, and market/customer-based) have all of the following executive positions in common EXCEPT: (6.2)