• 2022-06-03
    Vitamin D3 is not itself biologically active, but it is converted by enzymes in the liver and kidney to 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol), a hormone that regulates __________ uptake in the intestine and calcium levels in kidney and bone.
  • calcium


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      维生素D的活性形式是( ) A: 维生素D3 B: 25—(OH)—D3 C: 24,25—(OH)2—D3 D: 1,24,25—(OH)3—D3 E: 1,25—(OH)2—D3

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      Which of the following increases the rate of excretion of calcium ions by kidney?() A: decrease the calcitonin concentration in the<br/>plasma B: increase the phosphate ion concentration in the plasma C: decrease in the plasma level of parathyroid hormone D: metabolic alkalosis E: increase in the plasma level of parathyroid hormone

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      The idea that liver and kidney are sharing the common source is based on that ( ) A: Both liver and kidney locate in the lower jiao B: Mutual supporting on yin fluid C: Mutual collaboration between storage and dredging D: Mutual transformation between essence and blood

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      Urinary system includes: A: liver B: kidney C: ureters D: bladder E: urethra

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      Which meridians does pigeon meat enter into? () A: Heart B: Liver C: Spleen D: Kidney