• 2021-04-14
    Coherence of a paragraph is concerned with its form, or its organization. The sentences in a paragraph should be arranged in a clear, logical order,and the transitions should be smooth and natural.
  • 内容

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      Unity of a paragraph is concerned with its content.

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      It is implied in the last paragraph that, in approaching socio-cultural content in a dictionary, special thought should be given to ______. A: the language levels of its users B: the number of its prospective purchasers C: the different tastes of its users D: the various cultural backgrounds of its users

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      中国大学MOOC: ________ means that the pronunciation should be smooth and natural.

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      To keep a paragraph united and coherent, we should ( ) A: exclude irrelevant sentences B: arrange the sentences in certain order C: adopt proper linking words D: correct the grammar mistakes

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      It is implied in the last paragraph that in approaching socio-cultural content in a dictionary, special thought should be given to ______. A: the language levels of its users B: the number of its prospective purchasers C: the different tastes of users D: the various cultural backgrounds of its users