• 2022-06-12
    The problem of unemployment will arise ______.
    A: if the minimum wage is set too high
    B: ff the minimum wage is set too love
    C: if the workers are unskilled
    D: if the maximum wage is set
  • A


    • 0

      Has the minimum wage been increasing since it was fixed?

    • 1

      What does it mean by "the minimum wage" according to the speaker?

    • 2

      The natural rate of unemployment will most likely increase if A: the minimum wage rate is decreased B: unemployment benefits are increased C: monetary growth is decreased D: income taxes are increased E: all of the above

    • 3

      What statements aboutAgree a contract and salary are ture? A: When someone accepts a job offer they have a contract with you as their employer. B: Check what the National Minimum Wage is for different ages C: Check what the National Minimum Wage is for different types of work D: Check what to exclude in a contract

    • 4

      If a labor market is dominated by a monopolist, it is possible that the imposition of a minimum wage law could INCREASE the amount of employment in that market.