• 2022-06-06
    Bluish, purple lips often indicate ____
    A: yin deficiency
    B: qi deficiency
    C: blood stasis
    D: excess heat
  • C


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      The causes of pain include: A: qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm turbidity B: exogenous pathogenic factors attack C: kidney essence deficiency D: qi and blood deficiency

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      The causes of pain include ( ) A: Exogenous evil B: Phlegm turbidity and stagnation C: Qi stagnation and blood stasis D: Deficiency of qi and blood

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      What is the main cause of uterine prolapse? A: spleen deficiency and sinking of middle energizer qi B: deficiency of qi and blood C: lung qi deficiency D: kidney qi deficiency

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      the temperature of ward of ______ patient should be a little higher A: excessive rising of liver-Yang B: excess heat syndromes C: Yang deficiency D: Yin deficiency E: young adults

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      Surging pulse are usually due to ( ) A: Extreme heat pattern B: Dampness pattern C: Qi collapse D: Deficiency of qi and blood