• 2022-06-19
    Tongue is red and thin with little or no coating. This is usually seen in:[img=430x373]1803a0fe4e7a434.png[/img]
    A: yin deficiency and fire exuberance
    B: qi and blood deficiency
    C: dampness heat
    D: yang deficiency
  • A


    • 0

      Redness of the whole face can be seen in ( ) A: Excessive heat B: Deficient heat C: Blood stasis D: Qi deficiency

    • 1

      A surging pulse indicates ____. A: internal retention of phlegm-fluid B: exuberance of internal heat C: deficiency of qi and blood D: food retention in the stomach

    • 2

      Afternoon fever, obscured fever, which are often seen in cases with A: tidal fever of yin deficiency B: tidal fever of yang ming C: tidal fever of damp-warm D: qi deficiency fever

    • 3

      Which is not the clinical significance of emaciation? A: Fire in middle-jiao B: Qi deficiency of middle-jiao C: Phlegm-dampness retetion D: Hyperactivity of deficient fire due to yin deficiency

    • 4

      What is the main cause of uterine prolapse? A: spleen deficiency and sinking of middle energizer qi B: deficiency of qi and blood C: lung qi deficiency D: kidney qi deficiency