• 2022-05-27 问题

    Which<br/>disease can lead to different cyanosis?() A: atrial septal defect B: patent ductus arteriosus C: tetralogy of fallot D: mitral stenosis

    Which<br/>disease can lead to different cyanosis?() A: atrial septal defect B: patent ductus arteriosus C: tetralogy of fallot D: mitral stenosis

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    A neonate presents with dyspnea (shortness of breath) and cyanosis. The possible diagnoses include A: transposition of great vessels with patent ductus arteriosus B: tetralogy of Fallot C: total anomalous venous connection D: interventricular septal defect E: E

    A neonate presents with dyspnea (shortness of breath) and cyanosis. The possible diagnoses include A: transposition of great vessels with patent ductus arteriosus B: tetralogy of Fallot C: total anomalous venous connection D: interventricular septal defect E: E

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    Differential cyanosis can be seen in ( ) A: Atrial septal defect with severe pulmonary hypertension B: Ventricular septal defect with severe pulmonary hypertension C: Severe Tetralogy of Fallot D: Severe pulmonary valve stenosis E: Unclosed patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary hypertension

    Differential cyanosis can be seen in ( ) A: Atrial septal defect with severe pulmonary hypertension B: Ventricular septal defect with severe pulmonary hypertension C: Severe Tetralogy of Fallot D: Severe pulmonary valve stenosis E: Unclosed patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary hypertension

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