• 2022-06-11 问题

    You may leave the jelly in a cool place to ______ it. A: harden B: soften C: sharpen D: strengthen

    You may leave the jelly in a cool place to ______ it. A: harden B: soften C: sharpen D: strengthen

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    下列( )不是Android发布的主要版本的别名。 A: Cupcake B: Gingerbread C: Ketchup D: Jelly Bean

    下列( )不是Android发布的主要版本的别名。 A: Cupcake B: Gingerbread C: Ketchup D: Jelly Bean

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Which is the traditional Beijing food? _______ A: Jelly fish B: West Lake Sour Fish C: sliced boiled chicken D: Beijing Roast Duck

    Which is the traditional Beijing food? _______ A: Jelly fish B: West Lake Sour Fish C: sliced boiled chicken D: Beijing Roast Duck

  • 2022-10-28 问题

    下列有关西点的常用英文词汇,对应正确的有()。 A: 栗子—Chestnut B: 布朗尼—Brownie C: 泡芙—Pudding D: 千层蛋糕—Melaleuca E: 咖喱—Jelly

    下列有关西点的常用英文词汇,对应正确的有()。 A: 栗子—Chestnut B: 布朗尼—Brownie C: 泡芙—Pudding D: 千层蛋糕—Melaleuca E: 咖喱—Jelly

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【填空题】Tick the words a. or b. that you hear in the sentences. (1) a. long b. wrong (2) a. jelly b. Jerry (3)a. glass b. grass (4) a. collect b. correct (5)a. lane b. rain (6)a. flea b. free

    【填空题】Tick the words a. or b. that you hear in the sentences. (1) a. long b. wrong (2) a. jelly b. Jerry (3)a. glass b. grass (4) a. collect b. correct (5)a. lane b. rain (6)a. flea b. free

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