• 2022-05-30
    The meeting was put off ______ the chairman's illness.
    A: because of
    B: in the front of
    C: in the interests of
    D: in face of
  • A


    • 0

      Tom can’t attend the meeting today _______ his illness. A: in front of B: in spite of C: because of D: far from

    • 1

      ‎ Their coach suggested the sports meeting be because of the bad weather.​ A: put off B: put up C: put down D: put away

    • 2

      The meeting was _____ when the chairman fell ill. A: put down B: shut out C: cut short D: taken off

    • 3

      Because the chairman of the board was absent, the meeting had to be ______. A: called out B: called on C: called off D: called up

    • 4

      The meeting had to be ____ because of the absence of chairman of the board. A: called out B: called off C: called on D: called up