• 2022-06-07
    Diagnosis of Systemic JIAmust exclude
    A: Kawasaki Disease
    B: Sepsis
    C: Leukemia, lymphoma, neuroblastoma, cancers with systemic involvement
    D: All of above
  • D


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      () What are the possible consequences of obesity based on the information of this video?? heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, and certain cancers|insomnia, heart disease, diabetes and stroke|AIDS, diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers|heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers

    • 1

      The diagnosis of HIV / AIDS includes A: Diagnosis of HIV / AIDS infection (antibody confirmatory test and HIV-RNA test) B: Diagnosis of opportunistic infection and tumor C: Diagnosis of immune function D: All of the above

    • 2

      When systemic diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders have not been developed in the past, surgeons often use the resection of ( ) to treat patients with mental disorders A: temporal lobe B: corpus callosum C: frontal lobe D: hippocampus

    • 3

      Clinical laboratory is for the purpose of providing information for: A: diagnosis B: prevention C: treatment D: all of the above

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      The differential diagnosis for ICH is ( ) A: Migraine B: Seizure C: Abscess D: Hypertensive encephalopathy E: all of the above